Your WEDDING CEREMONY is undoubtedly the most important part of your wedding day celebration – it’s literally the WHY of every single thing we touch on here on the Wedding Planning Podcast!
Unfortunately, many couples push the ceremony logistics to the very bottom of their wedding planning to-do list, and as a result, this critical piece of your wedding day misses getting the full attention & creativity that it deserves.
Tune in to the full show for a start-to-finish guide for infusing your ceremony with deep meaning and your personalities.
Missed it? LISTEN NOW!
We’re also going to cover:
- Ceremony flow of events,
- Who walks who down the aisle, and in what order?
- The role of your officiant / celebrant,
- Intentionally setting the desired vibe with ceremony music & decor,
- Signing your marraige license,
- Tips for finding an officiant,
- Crafting your wedding vows,
- And finally, some additional ways to incorporate meaning and personality.
A well-crafted wedding ceremony will perfectly express your relationship as a couple. It should make your guests understand exactly why they are at the wedding, and may address the couples past, present and future.
We can be serious, lighthearted, traditional or a mix of all three – your ceremony doesn’t have to follow any script, and you’re free to personalize this portion of your day in any way you like!
- Enjoy some really fun & creative unity ceremony ideas by visiting
- Sample wedding vows & guide >>>
- For lots of unique unity ceremony, ceremony signage, wedding program inspiration & more, visit Pinterest