Real Wedding Recap: No Cell Service + A Hot Air Balloon

Samantha & Sean got married in September 2024 at a state park in New York, but this was no ordinary celebration …

Their gorgeous wedding weekend featured no cell service, just 6 electrical outlets, and a hot air balloon send off for the new bride and groom.

Stunning, to say the least!  Samantha joins us this week on the Wedding Planning Podcast to share the good, the challenges, the things she would do differently, and the things she wouldn’t change for the world:

A special thank you to Third Eye Catcher Photography for the beautiful images featured throughout this post:

10 Years of the Wedding Planning Podcast!

The Wedding Planning Podcast is approaching our 10-year anniversary this winter – crazy!  When I started this project, my son was an infant, my daughter wasn’t even in preschool, Obama was our president, and Tik Tok didn’t exist (thankfully).  Literally feels like a lifetime ago!

The Wedding Planning Podcast brings me so much fulfillment.  If I’m being completely candid, there have been multiple times over the past 10 years that I’ve wondered if it’s run its course, and might be time to move on to a new topic.

So what keeps me hooked?  It’s exactly what Samantha is going to share with you today.  What a magical, life-changing experience a wedding can be.  I am in love with highlighting what’s truly possible for you & your partner – regardless of your budget or your circumstances.  

I mean, a meaningful and beautiful wedding can have a $2,000 price tag or a $100,000 price tag.  I love pulling back the curtain to ways that you can maximize what you have available, and truly focus on the things that really matter … while tuning out the noise and overwhelm of the wedding industry that you see so often on social media. 

Yes, I am still obsessed with these ideas 10 years later.  I want as many couples as possible to maximize the opportunity at your fingertips for an unforgettable wedding experience … and a really special gateway to the rest of your lives.

I got married in 2010, and our wedding changed my life in very obvious ways … but also in some very unexpected ways.  Planning our wedding was the genesis of a business idea that eventually led to me leaving a corporate banking job so that I could be fully present to raising our children.  Now, that’s a teeny tiny nutshell version with a much longer story for another time …

But to tie it all together, Samantha is also in the beginnings of a very similar journey – pursuing a passion that she uncovered originally through listening to the Wedding Planning Podcast, and is now actively pursuing as a business venture.  You can learn more about her wedding floral venture and view her beautiful creations here >>> on Instagram 

I hope you’re inspired by Samantha & Sean’s beautiful wedding as much as I am ❤️

Cheers to you, friend!