A LOT of our energy during the wedding planning process is centered around the fear that things will go wrong, and how we can avoid and prevent minor mistakes – and major disasters – on our wedding day.

I’ve been deeply involved with weddings for over a decade, and candidly, it’s a universal truth.  No matter how much you plan and prep and delegate and assign, something will go wrong and / or not according to plan at some point during your wedding celebration.

The good news is that big or small, I have some solid practices that you can use right now to be able to adapt, improvise, and mentally overcome any unforeseen issues & challenges that are bound to arise.

Tune in to today’s brand new episode for so much more!

Missed it?  LISTEN NOW!

Prepping for Unforeseen Wedding ISSUES, MISTAKES & MISHAPS | show dated 5.29.24


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If you’re newly engaged and / or looking to kick off the new year with a fresh start on your wedding plans, then you’ll definitely want to check out my totally free Engagement Starter Kit.

I’ve packaged up a 4-part bonus audio series that’s designed to unlock the essential keys to a down-to-earth, stress-free and JOYFUL wedding planning experience.

In the FREE Engagement Starter Kit BONUS SERIES, we unlock exactly how to align your WEDDING PRIORITIES with your PLANNING STRATEGY, so that you can confidently design an unforgettable wedding celebration – minus the crushing stress & overwhelm felt by so many engaged couples.

Get professional help planning your dream honeymoon when you email [email protected] . Don’t forget to mention the Wedding Planning Podcast for $50 off your honeymoon / $200 off your destination wedding booking!